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Each Saascannon tenant has it's own shop config. The following describes the shop concepts.

ServicesServices define a service that a user can have a plan for. You can have multiple services in your tenant but only one plan per service can be assigned to a billable.
PlansPlans define a plan which containes high level information about a plan.
Plan RevisionsPlan revisions define the lower level implementation details of a plan. When you want to update a plan's contents, a new revision needs to be made. By default, when a billable subscribes to a plan, they are subscribing to the latest revision unless one is specified explicitly.
ProductsProducts define items within a plan which are made available when a billable has access to the plan. They link to roles and permissions which will be granted to any user which has access to a plan through a billable.
PricesPrices belong to Products and define the mappings to payment provider prices.
MetersMeters are used to enable usage based billing and are assigned to prices.
BillablesBillables define an entity that can have a subscription associated with it. This is usually a user but can be other entities such as tenants or teams.