Handling Webhooks
Webhooks sent by Saascannon are signed with a secret key to ensure that the webhook is coming from Saascannon. This secret key is unique to each tenant and is used to sign the payload. You can verify the signature of the webhook by comparing the signature in the x-webhook-signature
header to the sha256 HMAC of the request body using the secret key. To check the event type you can use the x-webhook-event-type
Refer to the following example to see how you can handle webhooks in your app (Node.js example):
// Import the crypto module
import crypto from "crypto";
// Get the secret key from the environment
const secret = process.env["SAASCANNON_WEBHOOK_SECRET"];
function handleWebhook(req, res) {
// Get the signature from the headers
const signature = req.headers["x-webhook-signature"];
// Create a HMAC with the secret key
const hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", secret);
// Update the HMAC with the request body
// Get the hash of the HMAC
const hash = hmac.digest("hex");
// Compare the hash to the signature
if (hash !== signature) {
return res.status(401).send("Invalid signature");
// Parse the request body
const data = JSON.parse(req.body);
// Get the event type from the headers
const type = req.headers["x-webhook-event-type"];
if (type === "subscription.updated") {
// Handle the subscription updated event
// Respond with a 200 OK
return 200;